The UDO Instructors Trainee Academy launched in September 2019 at WSO.
Is accessible to students at WSO who have reached and PASSED their UDO Syllabus Grade 6 examinations and students who have recently passed their UDO Instructors Teachers Examination.
Students will gain work experience placements within the Centre of Excellence Saturday Academy at WSO and gain hands on leadership training and experience, mentored by our UDO Professionals.
Students will develop an understanding of how to plan and deliver fun, creative and engaging Street Dance Lessons, they will develop their knowledge and understanding of the foundations in each dance style within the syllabus and how to deliver and break these styles down correctly.
Students will be mentored for two terms before taking their UDO Teachers Instructors Examination, in addition students within the Trainee Instructors Academy will have the opportunity to also complete the Foundation Course.